MVP & VetTechPrep

Step into Success: Enter to Win a VetTechPrep Scholarship!

MVP & VetTechPrep “Prep to Achieve” The essence of this collaboration is not just to ease the financial burden of exam preparation but to knit a closer bond between future veterinary professionals. With a generous offer of complete tuition reimbursements for at least 50 VetTechPrep course subscriptions, the program opens doors to mastering the Veterinary…

Top 5 “Housekeeping” Tips for Vet Techs

Vet tech students concentrate on learning medical care, including animal physiology, anesthesia, and pharmacology. In practice, they also manage crucial “housekeeping” tasks—beyond actual cleaning—like paperwork, which keeps the veterinary clinic operational. While some practices have efficient systems for these tasks, others may require vet techs to develop their own methods for managing them. Following key…

Crucial Client Communication Strategies: A Guide for Vet Students

Effective client communication is crucial in veterinary practice. Veterinarians must not only possess medical knowledge but also be adept at conveying the importance of tests, procedures, and treatments to pet owners. Understanding and consent from clients are essential before any medical action can be taken. Thus, communication skills are as significant as medical expertise in…

Stress to Success: Dr. Amanda’s Guide to Acing the NAVLE

Are you approaching the NAVLE and feeling the pressure? It’s the hurdle every veterinary student must cross, and for some, it can feel like a mountain. But with the right strategies and guidance, you can tackle it with confidence and come out victorious.

Watch an enlightening webinar hosted by Dr. Amanda, who not only recently graduated but also passed the NAVLE with flying colors!

Top 5 “Housekeeping” Tips for New Grad Veterinarians

In veterinary school, students focus intensively on medicine, learning deeply about animal physiology and diseases. However, once in practice, new vets often find that non-medical tasks take up a significant portion of their work. These tasks, ranging from organization to client communication, can be challenging until new routines are established. Tips for managing the “housekeeping”…

Managing Moral Distress

Naya, a veterinarian, experiences moral distress when a family chooses to euthanize their dog, Clara, due to chronic skin issues despite potential treatments. This incident highlights the challenge of ethical dilemmas in veterinary medicine and underscores the need for support and policy changes to help professionals navigate such situations.

The AKC Canine Health Foundation Works to Advance the Health of All Dogs

The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) is a one-of-a-kind, non-profit organization working to find and fund scientific research studies with the greatest potential to impact the health of all dogs. CHF bridges the gap between research and animal care by sharing the results of their funded discoveries with veterinary professionals like you, along with dog breeders and dog lovers dedicated to improving the health of our beloved dogs.

Vet BLUE® for Introduction to Lung Ultrasound and Its Use for Small Animal and COVID-19 Pneumonia

What is Vet BLUE®?

FAST is an acronym that stands for Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma. It is an ultrasound exam developed by trauma surgeons (yes trauma surgeons) in the 1990s and used in people as a screening test for the detection of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, ascites, and the pleural cavity including pleural effusion and pericardial effusion.  In 2004 the translational study from humans to dogs was published by Boysen and colleagues out of Tufts.