Maximizing Veterinary Technician Utilization – Session 2: Overcoming Barriers and Implementing Workflows
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Dr. Sarah Cavanaugh addresses three common causes of canine cardiac emergencies: congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, and pericardial effusion. She discusses causes, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up for each, with attention to effective and compassionate client communication throughout. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Jessica Meekins provides a detailed review of intraocular causes of a “red eye” in cats, including uveitis, glaucoma, hyphema. She discusses clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment of each condition with emphasis on what can be managed in a primary care setting vs. when to refer to an ophthalmology specialist. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Jessica Meekins provides a detailed review of surface ocular causes of a “red eye” in cats, including feline herpesvirus-1, bacterial causes, and neoplasia. She reviews clinical signs, diagnostic workup, and treatment, with emphasis placed on what can be managed in a primary care setting vs. when to refer to an ophthalmology specialist. Course Handout…
Dr. Amy Rankin reviews intraocular causes for a dog to present to a veterinarian with the complaint of a “red eye,” including glaucoma, anterior uveitis, and hyphema. She describes etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of each condition and provides helpful client communication advice. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Amy Rankin describes differentials for common external causes for a dog to present to a veterinarian with the complaint of a “red eye.” She reviews diagnostic tests, treatment options, and prognosis for different disease conditions and provides practical client communication tips. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Kerry Rolph discusses the different forms of auscultable cardiac abnormalities, addresses their significance, and gives some practical guidance on workup. She also provides client communication tips and advice on when to refer these cases. Course Handout Course Details
Examination of a dyspneic cat can be challenging and can lead to decompensation. Dr. Kerry Rolph describes how to minimize stress and perform a full evaluation of the cardiorespiratory system, while identifying differentials and working toward a diagnosis in these challenging cases. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Sarah Cavanaugh discusses heart murmurs in puppies and adult dogs. She reviews murmur grades, innocent/non-pathologic murmurs, and her flow chart for the diagnostic work-up. She then provides multiple case studies. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Diane Carle reviews periodontal disease in dogs and cats. She provides a brief anatomy refresher and then discusses etiology, predisposing factors, and consequences. She then describes her step-by-step diagnostic approach to these cases and treatment options available in general practice and referral facilities. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Diane Carle provides a review of dental anatomy, correct radiographic technique, and common mistakes and how to correct them. She then discusses radiographic signs of endodontic disease, periodontal disease, and tooth resorption, with attention to both significant and insignificant findings. She presents multiple case examples as well. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Diane Carle provides tips for communicating effectively with owners in the context of veterinary dentistry. She reviews evidence-based communication principles from both human health care and veterinary settings. She then discusses team-based communication, owner education methods, and addressing the fear of anesthesia. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Diane Carle reviews tooth resorption and stomatitis in felines. She defines both conditions and covers prevalence, symptoms, etiology, and methods of diagnosis. She then addresses current and emerging treatments options. Course Handout Course Details
Dr. Jennifer Bentley reviews the diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis. She describes the most common medications used for atopic dermatitis and discusses allergy testing and immunotherapy. She also provides tips for communicating with owners and managing their expectations throughout the process. Course Handout Course Details