Dental Extractions

Regional Anesthesia in Small Animal Dentistry

Why Should You Incorporate Regional Anesthesia into Your Dentistry? Regional anesthesia is a critical method of pain management and is also known as local nerve blocks. When properly performed, regional anesthesia provides complete local analgesia, which markedly decreases minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of inhalational anesthetics and improves recovery.  However, regional anesthesia is not without its…

Addisonian Crisis Management. Let’s Get Salty, K?

Canine hypoadrenocorticism, also known as Addison’s disease, results from inadequate production of adrenal hormones. An Addisonian crisis is a life-threatening complication requiring aggressive treatment.  Causes Immune-mediated destruction of the adrenal cortex remains the most common cause of primary hypoadrenocorticism in dogs. A small number of dogs suffer from iatrogenic primary Addison’s disease. Secondary hypoadrenocorticism occurs…