The Role of Bovine Colostrum in Dog & Cat Nutritional Health Module 1
This module sponsored by GastroDefense reviews the impact of nutrition on overall health in dogs and cats. Gut health and conditions that are driven by dysbiosis, immune dysregulation, and inflammation are reviewed. Lecture Transcript Course Handout Course Details
The Role of Bovine Colostrum in Dog & Cat Nutritional Health Module 2
This module sponsored by GastroDefense reviews the science behind bovine colostrum and its benefits as a nutritional supplement for dogs and cats. The presenters show how it can be used to bolster and balance the immune system, improve barrier function in the intestines, downregulate inflammation, and serve as an anti-infective agent. Lecture Transcript Course Handout…
The Role of Bovine Colostrum in Dog & Cat Nutritional Health Module 3
This module sponsored by GastroDefense covers strategies for practice building aimed around the major pillars in the digital world. Concepts such as website design, SEO, reputation, and social media presence are reviewed. Lecture Transcript Course Handout Course Details
Advanced Catheterization Techniques
Heidi Reuss-Lamky reviews advanced catheterization techniques that veterinary technicians may be asked to perform. She discusses intraosseous catheters, arterial catheters, central line placement, and nasogastric and esophageal tube placement. Course Handout Course Details
Anesthesia Mistakes Awareness
Heidi Reuss-Lamky reviews common anesthesia mistakes that can affect veterinary patients. She discusses various areas of concern and provides instruction on utilizing surgical checklists to avoid errors. Course Handout Course Details
‘So Rad!’ Positioning for Safety and Success in the Radiology Suite
Heidi Reuss-Lamky reviews principles of radiation safety. She then provides detailed instructions on patient positioning for the most commonly utilized views in small animal practice. Course Handout Course Details