

Take concrete steps to prevent cyberbullying attacks across social media channels. Establish safeguards to limit or regulate outsider access to publishing content on your pages. Learn how to set up alert and notification systems to enable so you can be notified of negative activity instantly. Discuss recommendations for monitoring and responding to online reviews (both…

How to Prove Social Media ROI

How to Prove Social Media ROI

Finally get the answers to that popular question- “what’s the return on investment for my social media?” The data is there- if you’re looking for it. Too often, veterinary teams are quick to throw in the towel or write off social media as an untrackable expense without implementing the necessary measures to track success. This…

Veterinary Cannabis Therapy

Veterinary Cannabis Therapy

As veterinary professionals we have a responsibility to provide harm reduction education to our clients regarding cannabis products. This lecture will bring you up to speed on the current research of the endocannabinoid systems of small animal species. It will include the special considerations, drug interactions and recommended safety protocols, as well as clinical monitoring…