Anatomy of the Tooth
This infographic reviews the anatomy of the mammalian tooth.
This infographic outlines the indications and dosages for amitriptyline, fluoxetine, buspirone, gabapentin, and acepromazine in cats.
This Infographic provides a quick reference for the different types of blood tubes and their common uses.
This Infographic reviews the functions of the twelve cranial nerves.
This Infographic explains the dental triadan numbering system for cats.
This Infographic explains the dental triadan numbering system for dogs.
Dr. Cathy Barnette reviews common winter emergencies in dogs, cats, and horses, including toxicities, hypothermia, and colic.
Dr. Cathy Barnette reviews infectious diseases affecting the neurologic system including rabies, tetanus, and infectious encephalitis viruses.
Dr. Lori Kogan outlines techniques to avoid and combat stress.